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Any student (full-time or part-time, matriculated or non-matriculated) may audit a course with permission of the instructor or the appropriate department chairperson. No credit will be granted for an audited course. Students may obtain a Request to Audit form from the 登记 and Records Office. Audit forms must be completed during the add period (typically the first week of the semester for a full-term course).

学费 and fees for auditing a course are the same as if the course were taken for credit. To audit a course, the appropriate audit form must be completed by the end of the Drop/Add period. 课程 for which students register for credit may not be assigned a grade of audit.

过程审核 for Senior Citizens

Area residents who are 60 years of age or over are permitted by Education Law to audit courses without tuition, 检查, grading or credit on a space-available basis, providing such auditing does not deny course attendance to a student registering for credit. Students must meet all applicable course prerequisites.

Anyone interested in this opportunity should contact the 登记 and Records Office at the 布莱顿大学 or the Student Services Center at the Damon City Campus for information regarding course selection and registration procedures.